Automation QA Engineer

  • Remote OK - Anywhere in Japan
  • Full-time
  • July 16, 2024
Apply from Anywhere 👍
Relocation to Japan 👍
(Overseas visa sponsorship supported)
Language Requirements
Japanese: Not Required 👍
English: Business Level
Minimum Experience
Mid-level or above

Main Responsibilities

You will be responsible for quality assurance (test automation) in product development. Specifically, you will be involved in planning and executing automation test strategies, maintaining and deploying automated tests to product development teams, analyzing test results and proposing improvements, managing the QA team, and suggesting improvements for overall product development process quality.

  • Automation of tests related to product development projects
  • Maintenance and operation of automated tests
  • Automation of QA tasks
  • Proposing improvements to test processes, efficiency, and coverage
  • Analyzing and reporting test results
  • Suggesting and implementing improvements for the overall product development process
  • Selecting test tools and technologies


Required Qualifications

  • Minimum 3 years of experience in operating and maintaining automated test cases for mobile apps, web apps, or APIs.
  • Professional experience in using one of the following frameworks/tools: Appium, Selenium, Cypress, Playwrite, and/or unirest/Rest Assured for APIs.
  • Experience in the automation and operation of E2E testing.
  • Experience in creating and operating API test cases using Postman.
  • Experience using continuous integration and continuous deployment tools such as Jenkins/Bitrise.
  • Excellent verbal communication and documentation skills.
  • Knowledge and practical experience in software testing.
  • Experience in identifying challenges in the development process and proposing improvements.
  • Ability to flexibly communicate with development teams and stakeholders.
  • Ability to engage in continuous learning about quality assurance.
  • Curiosity and passion for learning new technologies.

※Please note that you will have a coding challenge during the QA selection process.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience in developing and operating automation tests in an Agile environment.
  • Japanese language skills (native level or equivalent to JLPT N1).
  • Experience using Cucumber for test cases.
  • Coding experience in building web or mobile-based apps.
  • Experience in test automation within the credit card/financial industry.
  • Experience in operating in-house services.
  • Experience in designing and implementing CI/CD pipelines.
  • Development experience using AWS.

PayPay Card was established in 2021 to provide users with more accessible and convenient FinTech services that were previously not possible with credit cards and credit services by integrating with the PayPay payment platform.

PayPay Card is looking for professionals who are passionate about refining their products at an overwhelming speed that no other company can match, and promoting the spread of cashless payments in Japan.

View PayPay Card's company page

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Automation QA Engineer at PayPay Card